Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Mammaw Linkhart, Granny, and Dustin!! Today is a special day!! I miss my mammaw and my granny, and I just can not wrap my head around the fact that Dustin is 18 years old today!

You have made us all so very proud of you! I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday, you were a blessing then and nothing has changed! I know that you will be successfull in whatever it is you decide to do! It has been a pleasure watching you grow into the man you have become today. Love you!

I think about you everyday. It is funny how you pop up in so many unexpected places, you have changed my life forever and for that I thank you. Your so called unconventional ways have proven to be very helpful and soothing for me. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you! I love you and miss you!

Mammaw Linkhart,
I am so proud to be able to say that I am your great-grandaughter! You are a part of me in every way, and on a daily basis. I love that I get to see you in mammaw all the time. You have left a legacy that you should be proud of. We love you and miss you.

Can't wait for a fun filled family reunion this saturday! I haven't seen most of this side of the family for about 15 or 20 years!! It will be interesting to see how people have changed! I wonder who I will recognize and who will recognized me!! Who am I kidding, they will all know that I am Donna's kid I look just like her!! Cute aren't we!!! Pics to follow, cause my wonderful hubby bought me a new camera yesterday!!!

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